1-888-202-1992 info@lisachilvers.ca

Have a look at what people have to say

“I not only lost weight, I have more energy, mental clarity, emotional stability and am generally happier!”

“My initial reasons for seeing Lisa was curiosity about her energy work and what it could do for me. I also had questions about weight loss. Through working with Lisa, I discovered that I had an addiction to sugar and that I needed to pay attention to my liver function.

Following the Loving Kindness Method has benefitted me tremendously!

I not only lost weight, I have more energy, mental clarity, emotional stability and am generally happier! My nutritional habits have been changed—in a positive way—forever! Thanks Lisa!”

Artis Crawford

“I am healthier and more fit than I have been in fifty years.”

“I began my journey eighteen months ago with a decision to have Lisa on my health team.

Her guidance and encouragement have not only helped me shed unwanted pounds, but I’ve made life style changes, which have resulted in a better, stronger, more confident me!

With Lisa’s non judgmental encouragement, I make better food choices, I workout weekly and I am healthier and more fit than I have been in fifty years. Thank you Lisa!”

Kate Baker

“We were exhausted, frustrated and concerned when we brought our daughter to Lisa for help with her sleep issues. Like a lot of babies, Gloria was sleeping erratically – she was averaging a total of four hours in a 24-hour period. Lisa was personable and thorough, taking time to determine the cause of the problem in order to treat it rather than simply reducing symptoms. Gloria responded positively to her and to the treatments – she fell asleep during the first session. We noticed the results we were hoping for after the second session. We’ve since gone back to Lisa for help with other issues and each time we appreciate her empathy, positivity and professionalism.”

John and Mag Madden

“My blood pressure is now perfect, rosacea gone, anxiety gone, depression gone as well.”

“I have been struggling with chronic issues and severe pain for more than 3 years. This lead to gaining a lot of weight, along with high blood pressure, anxiety, depression and rosacea.

My next step was the realization that I was in desperate need of losing weight and getting healthy. I asked for help and was referred to Lisa and the LK Method.

I was given all the tools I needed to start, like a food plan, meeting every two weeks, texting and emails, plus delicious recipes; I began to change my life.

I have used this time to overcome my health obstacles. My blood pressure is now perfect, rosacea gone, anxiety gone, depression gone as well.

I am enjoying my healthy lifestyle. Even my husband has been positively impacted and lost weight too.

Everyday is a new thrill for me, just walking up and down the stairs, bending to tie my shoes pain free is exciting. Outgrowing my clothes is also satisfying.

Thank you so much Lisa for opening up my mind and helping me to understand a new way of living.”

Janet Tancrede

“My allergies and migraines have gone. I feel amazing.”

“I originally came to Lisa for food sensitivity testing. After my first session, I knew there was a lot more work to be done with my health, than just food sensitivities.

I worked hard and since following the approach, I have gotten off nearly all my medications, my debilitating migraines have improved so much so that I have gone back to school.

I know without Lisa’s support I would still be suffering. I can- not say enough positive things about her; she is truly a great practitioner.”

Mark Landeryou

“I want to share with you that I feel beautiful again; first time in along time! I finally understand how all these different forms of stress were impacting my health, even my skin. My face is amazing I have my whole world to thank you for. I cannot begin to tell you how much it affects my outlook on life for the better.”
Kendra White

“When my daughter was six weeks old she started crying all of the time. We couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. The pediatrician told me the constant crying was normal and she may have reflux.  After BER sessions, she’s a different baby. The crying spells lessened and after a couple of appointments she was totally fine and I could go back to eating anything I wanted and not worry about it bothering her.  I am so thankful for this gentle approach. It has helped me in the past and now it’s helped my baby.”
Tara Solinas

“My son was 11 months old and his face and body were covered in eczema. He was on cortisone cream and it barley made a difference. In just three months my son has perfect, rash free skin. She made recommendations for skin creams, food lists and necessary nutracutical supports. I just couldn’t believe how simple the process was. I highly recommend this safe and gentle approach to help with eczema.”
Susan Bining

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