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Self-compassion means relating to yourself with understanding, warmth, and kindness, even if you want to change some things about yourself. 


Question Anxious Thoughts

Jul 25, 2023 | General Health

There was a time when I chose fear and worried thoughts dominated my life. I just couldn’t always see a way out.  The anxiety was paralyzing, making it really hard to take lasting action. One day my consciousness shifted enough to feel enough pride, enough love that I wanted to choose a more peaceful life. 

The choice for peace is always empowering. When you refuse to give in to fear, you are able to see solutions. Practice being kind in situations where you would normally panic; this is when miracles happen. 

Do this with yourself too. When you normally would respond to yourself in panic or disdain, meet yourself and others with kindness and see what happens. Self-compassion is at the heart of all real positive change. 

Self-compassion means relating to yourself with understanding, warmth, and kindness, even if you want to change some things about yourself. It means acknowledging your own suffering, recognizing that suffering is part of our common humanity, and offering yourself care and comfort rather than criticism.

One of the ways I got myself away from the domination of anxious thinking was to question my thoughts and shift them to a more compassionate voice.

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