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Smashed Parmesan Brussels Sprouts

Looking for a quick and delicious way to enjoy Brussels sprouts? Look no further than this fantastic recipe! The combination of flavours makes for a mouthwatering dish that’s packed with nutrients. Plus, it’s versatile too!

Veggie Burger Salad

Veggie Burger Salad

Craving the flavours of your favourite burger but want to keep it healthy? Try this mouth-watering veggie burger salad recipe that’s easy to make and packed with protein! Get inspired and customize your toppings – no bun required. Perfect for a quick, satisfying meal at home.

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PB & Berry Baked French Toast

PB & Berry Baked French Toast

I love to challenge beliefs about food… Breakfast foods could really be eaten any time of day. So even though this french toast makes a great start to the day, don’t be closed off to enjoying it anytime.

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